Feb 13, 2019
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The Many Pieces of the IMPACT Community (The IMPACT Show Ep. 70)
Feb 13, 2019
In this episode of The IMPACT Show, Nick and I discuss the IMPACT Live agenda, IMPACT Insiders, how often we should send marketing emails, how to hire great marketers, and more!
Check out the video recording below as well as the show notes. Enjoy and let us know what you thought in IMPACT Elite.
Like what you saw? Make sure to subscribe to email reminders and give us a review on iTunes.
Have feedback or questions? We’d love to hear it. Comment on this article, hit us up in Elite, or email us at show@impactplus.com
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Film School for Marketers Podcast
The first episode of the brand new Film School for Marketers podcast featuring Zach Basner and Myriah Anderson has launched! Check out episode 1 which covers mistakes to avoid in sales videos with real-life experience shared by Zach and Myriah.
The Big 5 Blog Topics
Marcus Sheridan, author of They Ask You Answer and partner at IMPACT, wrote a brand new article about The "Big 5" Blog Article Topics Guaranteed to Drive Traffic, Leads, & Sales. We get asked so often "what topics should my business blog about?" Marcus answers this in his article and he'll be teaching us exactly what to do to be successful with our content at IMPACT Live this year. In fact, he's our keynote speaker and leader throughout IMPACT Live 2019.
The IMPACT Live 2019 Agenda is Live
The IMPACT Live 2019 Agenda is finally live! There is more to be added in the future but what's there will show you exactly how amazing these two days are going to be. Check out the 2019 agenda and get your ticket today! Save $50 with code impactshow.
IMPACT Insiders is Live
Our brand new affiliate program called IMPACT Insiders is live and you can join now at impactplus.com/insiders. We have a variety of challenges in Insiders which you can complete and earn points. We have tons of prizes ranging from a copy of They Ask You Answer all the way to a free ticket (or VIP upgrade) to IMAPCT Live!
To build Insiders we used a platform called Ambassify. We decided to build Insiders so we can grow our community and reward all of you for the things you're already doing and the great contributions to our community.
What I've learned in this process is how much of the building of your affiliate program you can do ahead of time. I created a list of these challenges and even reached out to our team to get more ideas from them. Gathering this ahead of time helped me prove this was going to be worth it and it made it much faster to build out the platform once we chose a tool. It also allowed us to budget ahead of time and look at how much it would cost us to get these challenges completed through advertising so we could equate our points to a dollar value and figure out how much our rewards are worth.
The IMPACT Community
Where we go over what you're saying in IMPACT Elite.
MPACT Elite is a community of over 4,500 passionate inbounders looking to help each other succeed. Join us in IMPACT Elite.
IMPACT Elite Member of the Week!
Emma Sepke is our Elite member of the week this week.
Emma has been a member of Elite for quite some time and always has great contributions. This week she shared her content dashboard that she has up on a TV in her office.
She also bought her ticket to IMPACT Live last week! Everyone...be like Emma!
Email Send Frequency
Jacki Miskimins asked a great question about email scheduling. She said: “We send several types of emails: webinar invitations, newsletters, memos, etc. I'm wondering if there's an optimum time to send each *type* of message.”
I was surprised because there are not a lot of responses here and this is something many of you probably struggle with - or should consider now.
What did IMPACT do? We decided we were sending to many emails overall. I also shared a link to a tool and some great content we love called SeventhSense.
Jim came in with a very passionate response. He talked about hiring a professional to put together an entire marketing strategy and having the necessary technology to track and monitor the results.
Jim made some great points but to some extent he was assuming the context of Jacki's situation. That led me and Nick into a discussion about our community.
Being a Good Community Member
The Elite thread above got me and Nick talking about how members can get the most out of a community like Elite. A few things we noted are:
- Give as much context as possible (without going overboard) when you ask a specific "how to" question so people understand your situation and can answer in the most helpful way
- If you're responding to a post but are unclear on something ask a clarifying question to get more information.
- When people reply to your question respond back and thank them.
Guest of the Week
This is where we pick someone from the community who we feel like you need to know about.
Our guest of the week is someone making great moves in their campaigns, have leadership lessons we can learn from, or are just overall awesome people you should make it a priority to get to know.
Brie Rangel, VP of Services at IMPACT
This week we interviewed IMPACT VP of Services Brie Rangel.
Brie leads IMPACT’s services division, keeping her ears on the ground for the latest marketing strategies and tactics we should be offering for our clients and guiding her team to reach new levels every day.
She just co-authored a pillar with IMPACT’s Kathleen Booth called Marketing Interview Questions: How to Hire the Top-Performing Marketers You Need
Connect with Brie on LinkedIn and listen to her interview on the show.
As always, we wrapped up by sharing our final thoughts. You'll catch those in the episode so give it a listen!
We would love your comments. What did you think of the new format of the show? Let us know in Elite. Make sure you never miss a show or update by subscribing at impactplus.com/latest.
Join Us Next Time!
We'll be back again next week (and every week!). Until next time...we'll see you in Elite!
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